Weight in Gold

The one time I try to be a little extra! Its not even very relevant extra-ness because in addition to clothing in this blog I took this picture at my little home and I’m adding in the decor I have there. Hopefully I will continue to do this with the whole house because it really did motivate me to make this little corner cuter and a bit more detailed.

But that isn’t all the extra I tried for. I made my own little pose to go with it! I make bad choices that make things 10x’s harder than they need to be; what can I say I may be a bit of a masochist when it comes to blogging. Also it made my picture prettier! DON’T JUDGE ME PLEASE!

Happy Almost Mother’s Day to my American friends!


Body: Maitreya -Lara v4.1

Skin: YS&YS – Danana

Head: Catwa – Catya

Hair: Doux – Jaidah

Top: Kitja – Dina (@Uber)

Shorts: (fd) – Pleat Front Shorts (@C88)

Sunglasses: Empire – Cat Glasses **Old Arcade Item**

Shoes: Empire – Coneflower (@TDR)

Jewelry: Kibitz – Love Rings **BENTO** (@The Secret Hideout)

Necklace: Cynful – Chilli Jersey Necklace

Watch: Kibitz – Olivia Watch

Pose: By me – N/a

Desk: MudHoney Jerry Desk – Blue

Chair: [Con.] Metal Venue Chair – Rust silver

Hat Boxes: {what next} Madeleine Hatbox

Camera: -tb- Bon Voyage – Vintage Camera

Cat: (fd) Cat – 03 Sitting Lazy

Maps: [Con.] Fossil Hunter – Map & Notes

Lamp: MudHoney Zelia Lamp

Trash Can: .aisling. Bric-a-Brac Desk -Paper Trash-

Books: [Cosmic Dust] – Sketchbooks

Bottles: {vespertine}- my quirky corner / still life with candles – 6 ** Mainstore is closed for remodeling**

Rug: Sari-Sari – Of Cozy – Rug (grey stripes)

Cabinet: MudHoney Miles Cabinet

Curtains: +Half-Deer+ Soiree Curtains – White Lace – Tied

Picture: floorplan. wanderlust map frame

Windmill: Con.&floorplan. Windmill Hideout – PG – Brown